Want to Look Young and Slow Down Aging? Eat Broccoli - Dispatch Weekly

October 31, 2016 - Reading time: 4 minutes

A new study by Washington University School of Medicine published in the journal Cell Metabolism has found that there is an enzyme in some natural foods that slows down aging.

The study discovered that supplementing mice with nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a natural compound could help reduce the signs of aging.

These include: the decline of physical activity, weight gain and insulin sensitivity.

The Study

The researchers used three groups of healthy male mice feeding them typical diets with varying doses of NMN.

The first group was fed a high dose of NMN water, whilst the second received a low dose and the third was a control group.

After 5 months the researchers compared the physiology and then at regular three month intervals till they reach 17 months old.

The group given higher doses of NMN-supplements had many beneficial physical qualities such as: better immune systems, body weight, physical activity levels, bone density, liver and eye function and skeletal muscle.

How Does Studying Mice Translate to Human Benefits

Shin-ichiro Imai, MD, PhD, a professor of developmental biology and medicine said:

“Older mice have metabolism and energy levels resembling that of younger mice.”

“Since human cells rely on this same energy production process, we are hopeful this will translate into a method to help people remain healthier as they age.”

NMN Can be Given to Mice and is Found in Broccoli

It is safe to give mice NMN and it is also found in foods such as: broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, avocado and edamame.

The researchers learned that NMN can be dissolved in drinking water and given to the mice.

It appears in the bloodstream in less than three minutes and researchers found that NMN in the blood quickly and easily changes to NAD in multiple tissues.

Older Mice Had More Benefits than Younger Mice

The older mice showed beneficial characteristics as NMN was increased, whereas the younger mice were not affected as much because they were making plenty of NMN.

The increase in inflammation due to aging reduced the body’s ability to make its own NMN.

Can NMN be Given to Humans to Stay Young?

NMN is not fit for human consumption so those wanting to remain youthful and slow down aging will have to be content eating broccoli, cabbage and cucumber.

If scientists were able to develop NMN for humans what affect would it have on the health and beauty market? Would you use products with NMN?

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.