Contact Us

Welcome to, a platform dedicated to delivering insightful and engaging content on culture, sport, and society. Our mission is to unearth stories that resonate, inform, and inspire. We're constantly on the lookout for fresh perspectives and voices to join our vibrant community of readers and writers.

Meet Our Editor-in-Chief

At the helm of our editorial team is David Lintott, Editor-in-Chief of Dispatch Weekly. David's expertise lies in covering culture, sport, and society with a depth and nuance that's as refreshing as it is enlightening. Hailing from the uniquely atmospheric seaside town of Eastbourne, David brings a world-weary insight to our publication, a quality he attributes to his upbringing in this distinctive setting. Under his leadership, our team of talented freelance journalists strives to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity and storytelling.

Why Write for Us?

Contributing to Dispatch Weekly offers you the opportunity to engage with a broad audience keen on exploring the complexities of our world through well-crafted stories. Under David's guidance, your work will not only gain visibility but also the kind of editorial polish that only a seasoned journalist can provide. Here are a few reasons why you should consider writing for us:

  • Exposure and Impact: Share your insights with a global audience, making an impact through your words.
  • Professional Growth: Enhance your portfolio with articles published under a reputable banner.
  • Community and Networking: Join a community of like-minded writers and professionals in the fields of culture, sport, and society.

What We’re Looking For

We seek contributions that mirror our commitment to depth, accuracy, and originality. Your stories should be:

  • Well-Researched: Show us the world through your expert lens, supported by thorough research.
  • Human-Centric: We value the human touch. Your unique voice and perspective are what we're after—AI-generated content does not meet our standards for authenticity and depth.
  • Relevant: Whether it's a deep dive into cultural phenomena, a fresh take on sports, or an insightful commentary on societal issues, your submission should resonate with our readers.

How to Submit

If you're ready to contribute to, we'd love to hear from you. Please reach out to us with your story ideas or drafts. Make sure your submissions adhere to our guidelines and are aligned with David Lintott's editorial direction. For detailed submission processes and contact information.

Writing Guidelines

Your submissions should align with the following guidelines to ensure consistency and quality across our platform:

  • Authenticity: Original content only. We celebrate individuality and personal insight.
  • Style and Tone: Engaging, informative, and accessible. While we cater to a wide audience, maintaining a sophisticated tone that reflects our core topics is key.

Editorial Process

Under the stewardship of David Lintott, each submission goes through a rigorous editorial process. While we aim to preserve your voice, we also ensure that the final piece meets our standards of clarity, coherence, and engagement.

Thank You for Considering Writing for Us

We appreciate your interest in contributing to Stories that enlighten, challenge, and connect us are more important than ever. With your contribution, we can continue to share meaningful narratives that reflect the complexity of our times.

For inquiries and submissions, please contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of contributors.

Our Office

1 Mark Square
United Kingdom

Get in touch

If you have a story tip, pitch, or just want to get in touch with our editorial team:

[email protected]


For advertising opportunities and inquiries:

[email protected]

General Inquiries

For all other questions or feedback:

[email protected]

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DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.