Step-by-Step Guide to Expanding Your Home Inspection Business - Dispatch Weekly

March 9, 2020 - Reading time: 7 minutes

Step-by-Step Guide to Expanding Your Home Inspection Business Owning a business in the home inspection industry can be very lucrative, especially with more people investing their money in property. More and more people are needing to hire inspectors to assess the condition of the building they have purchased or are selling so that they know how much it is truly worth. But how do you get a steady stream of customers and expand your home inspection business?

Bring on effective software

Make things easier for your workers and customers by bringing in software that will help automate workflow and manage customer/agent relationships. Having good inspection report software to streamline workflow and manage your business’s marketing can simplify your business’s processes, making it easier for everyone involved. This will also minimize mistakes, improve communication and automate certain tasks, saving you time and money.

Evaluate your marketing 

A business will fail to prosper if they do not have an effective marketing plan in place. You could offer the best home inspection services in the world, but without a digital footprint or web presence, who knows about your business?

Social media is a must for all businesses. The likes of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube can expand your reach, build a solid brand reputation, and help you build customer relationships. You will need to employ a social media manager who can help build a tone of voice for your business, oversee your customer service requests, and engage with your customers. 

Face-to-face marketing is still relevant in this digital day and age, however. Head to events and network with people in the same business as you. Speak with your customers directly and build business relationships. Build a rapport. 

Have clear goals

When you first started your business, you would have had goals relating to the startup. However, you have survived, and now you need to expand on those goals or replace them altogether. Reevaluate your goals and do not be afraid to start afresh. Perhaps you want to expand your business to international waters, for example.

Do not change your goals on a whim, though. You need to think about the most logical goals that will align well with what your brand stands for and can offer the public. 

Provide good customer value

Every customer wants to be treated with respect and has a personalized experience. After all, they are paying for a service and expect the very best, especially when it comes to their property. You will want to provide timely and well-priced services that offer useful and profitable results for them. By doing this, you will increase customer satisfaction, which is, in the grand scheme of things, the best marketing you could ask for!

How can you gather a loyal customer base?

  • Offer incredible technical support
  • Give discounts and useful products/services to your customers
  • Reward customers for their loyalty
  • Provide a free quote so that customers know how much an inspection costs
  • Ask for their opinions

Customers love being asked for their opinion, and by asking for recommendations on how you can improve your home inspection business, you are making them feel valued and heard. A customer may offer great ideas on how you can expand your business, such as whether they wish you offered commercial inspections – this could become your next business venture.

Add extra services

As mentioned, expanding your services and adding new ones to your repertoire can bring in a whole new customer base. You could inspect commercial buildings, but why stop there? There are many other services you can include, such as inspecting buildings for toxic mold, air quality, radon, energy efficiency, and asbestos. 

Remember, though, that expanding your reach means you need to employ a whole host of new employees so that the new services can be carried out properly.

Concentrate on building a referral base

It takes some time to build a referral base, but in the long run, it is very much worth it. Network with those who work in the same industry as you but do not have direct competition with, such as real estate agents. This means that if someone were to buy a house, a real estate agent is more likely to send them your way – especially if you have created a business deal that benefits both of you.

Also, touch base with any customers you have worked in the past. While they may not need your services, if you have a referral program such as “get $100 for referring a friend or family member,” then they are likely to spread the word.


Property is a very profitable business, filled with potential. While your home inspection company may be doing well, there is always room for improvement. The above guide can help you expand your business so that you can reach new heights. 

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.