Jean-Francois de Clermont-Tonnerre: from the Arts to Asset Management - Dispatch Weekly

October 21, 2016 - Reading time: 6 minutes

Jean-Francois de Clermont-Tonnerre has launched a new asset management company AUM, focusing in Private Equity, Hedge Funds and Long Only Funds based in Malta.

Jean-Francois de Clermont-Tonnerre has a track record of successfully setting up Wealth and asset management companies from 1788 Capital Trust to Hottinger & Partners.

His Life

Jean-Francois de Clermont-Tonnerre studied at the prestigious Université de Lausanne in Switzerland in 1997-1998 where he was awarded a Masters in Banking and Finance.

Married to Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre who is a literary director for the movie production house Fabienne Servan-Schreibe, they have been heavily involved in philanthropy, setting up Fondation Jean-Francois and Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre.

Who is the Clermont-Tonnerre Family?

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The Clermont-Tonnerre family is part of the French noble family, known for their part in the French Revolution.

Their heritage links back to the 11th century, including members who were: lords, knights, princes, dukes, abbots and army officials.

The Jean-Francois and Marie-Laure Foundation was set up in 2009 by Marie-Laure and her husband Jean François.

Their foundation has been a supporter of “Friends of the Fine Arts” in Paris and supports activities in the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts.

What is the Jean-Francois and Marie-Laure Foundation?

The non-profit foundation based in Brussels strives to develop art and culture by helping young creators from developing countries.

They also invest in philanthropic projects, enhancing the full spectrum of the arts: from literacy, to visuals, to musicals and cinematography.

Grants are given to young people to study in a French-speaking university or a French-speaking higher education establishment, which then allows them to apply their training in their native countries.

Aims of the Foundation

  • Promote the art of young creators
  • Assist with the training of young people from developing countries especially from countries where education and its promotion as well as promotion of culture are insufficient
  • Support artistic and cultural philanthropic projects, enhancing artistic heritage in all its aspects including: musical, visual, cinematographic and visual projects.

What is AUM, Asset Management Ltd?

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AUM Asset Management Ltd. is an asset management company whose philosophy is committed to Total Return, de-correlation with markets and investment in tangible assets.

The Company offers management services through:

  • A dedicated team of international professionals
  • A thorough selection of best-rated funds and custodian banks in key locations
  • A worldwide network of professional advisor partners

Have you had any experience with one of the foundations mentioned? How was your experience?

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.