Is there any correlation between Vitamin D And Coronavirus? - Dispatch Weekly

May 15, 2020 - Reading time: 5 minutes

A complication known as a cytokine storm that occurs when the immune system overpowers has been found, according to a new study. The study also found a link between high vitamin D levels and inflammation in the blood and the development of coronaviruses. 

In the study, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences and Aging, British researchers found that countries with high mortality rates, such as the United States, had higher average vitamin D levels than 20 European countries, but lower coronavirus rates in their blood. Italy and Spain, for example, have the lowest average vitamin D levels and the highest coronary heart disease mortality rates. Indeed, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom, the two most populous countries in Europe, both have low vitamin D levels compared to countries with lower mortality rates. 

By analyzing publicly available patient data from around the world, Backman and his team discovered a link between high vitamin D levels and high rates of coronavirus in the blood, a hyperinflammatory disease caused by an overactive immune system. The results suggest that people with high levels of vitamin D in their blood have an increased risk of contracting the virus. In their study, the researchers discovered a link between high vitamin D levels and higher mortality from coronary heart disease in Europe and the United States. 

Vitamin D strengthens the innate immune system and also prevents dangerous overactivity of the immune system. This means that a healthy level of vitamin D could protect patients from serious complications, including death. 

The team was unable to find peer-reviewed studies showing that vitamin D supplements are beneficial in preventing or treating Covid 19. Gallagher points out that this study is the first to use a biomarker for vitamin D to establish a direct link between mortality and mortality risk in children with COVID-19. Backman says the correlation could help solve one of the many mysteries surrounding CO VID-20 and why children are less likely to die. Vitamin D has been associated with the occurrence and mortality of CovID-21, but not with mortality from the disease itself.

There are a handful of other forms available online that suggest vitamin D deficiency could contribute to severe Covid 19, but none of these studies has been completed for peer review. There is also no evidence of a vitamin D deficiency that predisposes people to the disease. Nevertheless, some peer-reviewed studies, such as this one in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, claim that vitamin D supplementation contributes to worsening outcomes in children with COVID-19

Three veteran micronutrient experts told Inverse that while it is plausible that vitamin D plays a role in the body’s response to a novel coronavirus, studies have not proven that it helps. 

But that hasn’t stopped the researchers from describing vitamin D as an independent risk factor for Covid 19. Vitamin D deficiency could be linked to more severe cases of COVID 19, and a research team suggests that cytokine storms may be linked to vitamin D deficiency, according to two studies based on data from more than 20 countries where no link has been found. The studies, by both the University of California at San Diego and the National Institutes of Health, were not peer-reviewed. 

The researchers “study found that countries, where people had low levels of vitamin D, had higher COVID-19 levels than countries where they had high levels of nutrients. The researchers’ study found that people who had the highest levels of the nutrients had heavier cases of Covid 19 as well as a higher rate of cytokine attacks. 

These findings could explain why some people are more susceptible to complications from the virus than others. More research is needed, but this is a very important finding, as it would be premature to make any recommendations, although it may help solve the coronavirus mystery. 

The researchers analyzed the existing health literature to determine the association between high vitamin D levels and the risk of coronavirus infection in the United States. 

They found that vitamin D levels were extremely low in an ageing population, and found an association between high vitamin D levels and a higher risk of coronavirus infection. COVID-19 The most vulnerable group in the population is also the one with the highest vitamin D deficiency, which has already been shown to protect against acute respiratory infections and to be safe. He pointed out that the nation also suffers the highest CO VID – the associated mortality from respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis and respiratory infections. 

We believe that vitamin D supplementation can protect against COVID-19 infections, “wrote the lead author of the new study, which has now been published on the Preprint server. Vitamin D deficiency has been identified as a risk factor in recent studies, but this is the first study of its kind in the United States. 

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