Indoorway releases new tool to enable data-driven management in B2B services - Dispatch Weekly

November 1, 2017 - Reading time: 4 minutes

Indoorway is a location-based programming tool for businesses, enabling smart solutions to be built. It helps connect your business space with people’s presence and behaviour, enhancing experiences, personalizing engagement and growing with Indoor analytics.

Indoorway Industry 4.0

Indoorway has released its latest product, Indoorway Industry 4.0, an all in one solution for traffic analysis and asset tracking. It is a ready-to-use B2B solution for digitising manufacturing plants, warehouses, and logistics centres. The new system brings transparency to production processes by unlocking valuable data with intuitive tools, such as asset trackers and rugged mobile phones for an in-depth analysis.

The data gathered by these tools will be accessible to Indoorway users through an analytical dashboard, providing access to real-time and historical information, heat maps, movement recordings, as well as detailed statistics for a specific zone, pathway or platform.

IndoorwayIndustry4.0_transparent and safe workplace

Speaking to Grzegorz Koblanski, CEO of Indoorway, on the benefits of the new system, he said, “Indoorway unlocks powerful information to help making data-driven business decisions and enhance comfort in large brick-and-mortar buildings. An interactive, intelligent space is surely what indoor businesses have been missing so far.”

Can Indoorway help boost efficiency? 

One of the biggest challenges faced in industrial processes is how to boost efficiency, because different stages of work, from manufacturing to distribution are interdependent and the environment used is complex. This is an issue Indoorway is seeking to fix.

By employing indoor location technology, this advanced solution upgrades production through the optimised use of crucial resources, helping to identify potential safety hazards and it makes the adaption to the changing dynamics of production smoother and quicker.

IndoorwayIndustry4.0_manufacturing and warehouses

Currently, Electrolux, a manufacturing company in Zarów, Poland, is the first to deploy Indoorway Industry 4.0, which took eight hours to implement. The pilot implementation was launched in the company’s pick-up zone component warehouse, where the system covered a space of 3500 m2 with 50 beacons, 5 rugged mobile phones with tracking apps and asset trackers on forklifts.

Kamila Gudzowska-Krzyzak, the supply chain manager at Electrolux, stated on the need of a solution:

“This is a strategic location and the starting point for all the internal logistics processes. Any delays at this point can affect the workflow of the whole company.”

She continued, “Thanks to data collected by Indoorway’s solution, we’ve examined the usage rate of each unloading ramp, activity of each shift, as well as the movement of forklifts. With such insights and analytical tools we can easily standardize our employees’ work cycle, monitor assets and optimize logistics processes better”.

Indoorway is based in Warsaw, Poland, and has been on the market since July 2017.

Indoorway’s first product was an SDK for app developers, which enables you to build your own smart building solutions. The product can easily be integrated into new or existing mobile apps developed for iOS and Android run devices. For fun or professional purposes, the fully featured solution is accessible for all to try for free.

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.