breatheHR launches pledge urging businesses to commit to their company culture - Dispatch Weekly

February 22, 2019 - Reading time: 2 minutes

breatheHR, HR software provider for SMEs, has today launched its ‘company culture pledge’ to encourage businesses to take their company culture seriously. The pledge is a statement of intent to make organisations, regardless of their size, invest in their culture and grow the business.

After breatheHR’s research revealed the cost of poor culture is costing the UK economy £23.6 billion per year in its The Culture Economy report, breatheHR decided to make a change.

On a mission to dispel myths that company culture is a ‘nice to have’ and something fluffy, it has already been signed by over 50 companies including Dorset Wildlife Trust, Ridgeview Wine Estate and LEWIS.

Jonathan Richards, CEO and founder, at breatheHR comments: “Culture isn’t a box-ticking exercise. If it’s not given the focus it deserves, the impact runs deeper than business success and individual experience. Companies that don’t invest in creating and nurturing its culture, will see top talent leave and productivity levels plummet. Culture should be a core element in every business. Not an exception.”

He continues, “Although there are many businesses with inspiring cultures, over half of them still don’t value its importance. Of course, we understand the pressures that SME owners face. But we urge them to make culture a high priority and to integrate culture into their business strategy. After all, it makes business sense to do so.”

Zoe Jervier, operations partner, talent, at EQT Ventures, adds: “With 80% of young people researching a company’s culture before considering a job, investing in culture can help attract and retain the best talent. For any business going through growth, and taking culture seriously, this pledge is a powerful initiative to demonstrate your commitment. ”

The ‘company culture pledge’ is a commitment that businesses can make to their growth and their people. Once signed up to the pledge, organisations will receive a practical framework to create a positive workplace culture which business leaders can use as a toolkit to improve, sustain or build its culture.

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.