Are we Close to Electric Cars Taking Over? - Dispatch Weekly

August 29, 2018 - Reading time: 5 minutes

The advancement of technology within the automotive industry in the previous ten years has been immense. We’ve gone from simple hatchbacks to cars filled to the brim with technology – some cars can even park for themselves, some don’t require any fuel at all and some cars allow you to kick back and relax while you’re on the motorway.

If someone were to say, ‘electric cars’ – the majority of the crowd would respond with ‘Tesla’. In recent years, Tesla has emerged as the electric automotive market leader. Tesla only produce a small range of models (all electric) but have made huge strides in technology within cars. They are well known for the auto-pilot function that can be used on motorways and such roads allowing the user to sit back and let the car drive itself without any assistance.

One of the break-through models from the electric car revolution was the Toyota Prius. The car was affordable, simple, reliable and most importantly – electric. It was suitable for couples or families. The Toyota Prius changed the game, companies were no longer developing super electric cars but instead aimed to build an electric car that did the simple things right, and all for a reasonable price. The Toyota Prius was incredibly popular in its home nation (Japan) and its popularity continued to spread around the world.

It’s not only small hatchbacks and family saloons that are being transformed by the electric car revolution, but sports car brands are having a crack at it too. Infiniti were the latest brand to reveal an electric sports car, and it looks like a transformer! It’s a single seat car and its design has been inspired by the ‘look of classic grand prix racers’. It might not be as reasonably priced as the Toyota Prius, but as a luxury car goes it’s most certainly near the top of the list of the wealthiest car enthusiasts out there.

The BMW i series was developed over 5 years ago in 2011 with the introduction of their first electric car – the BMW i3. BMW then introduced the BMW i8 which was basically a super sports car and can be seen occasionally meandering around central London. However, BMW are on the brink of launching the iX3 which is an electric version of their current 4×4 – the X3. BMW say that the iX3 will have a range of over 249 miles per charge and could be one of the most powerful electric SUVs in the market.

Over at Tesla, they are attempting to build, well, have actually developed an electric semi-truck. Tesla call it the ‘Semi’ (very inventive) – but looking at preview images, it truly is one of a kind. It’s the Optimus Prime of all the Transformers which is rather ironic because the Semi looks a lot like Optimus Prime! It was revealed that UPS had recently gone for a test drive with it and concluded that it was a ‘smooth ride’. Tesla has said that production of the Tesla Semi will begin in 2019 and will require an expansion of its assembly plant in California to accommodate for its manufacturing.

Electric cars are starting to become a norm now, which is a huge positive for the environment for sure. With the UK government targeting to reduce UK greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% from 1990 by 2050 and the level that electric cars are at right now – we can be hopeful for a future without fuelled cars possibly…

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.