Are Facebook on their Way to Social Media Dominance? - Dispatch Weekly

September 7, 2018 - Reading time: 4 minutes

Facebook users will now have access to a TV-shaped Watch button in the Facebook main navigation bar, which opens the new video hub. More and more people come to Facebook to watch video” – the Facebook video product manager Daniel Danker said. Competitors such as YouTube and Snapchat have already experimented with creating original video content.

As such, it is only natural for many consumers and social media users to turn to platforms such as ‘Facebook Live’ for their news, rather than their TV. With viewers spending on average 3 times more watching Live video broadcasts than video downloads, including Facebook Live video in your social video marketing strategy, it is essential to generate engagement on the site.

Another feature is Facebook 360 Video – it allows users to get a full 360-view view by scrolling through a web cursor, touching or rotating the device on mobile phone. Facebook Carousel’s Video ads allow brands to display multiple videos (or images) and a link in the Facebook channel. Facebook Slideshow videos were built for advertisers who wanted to reach the audience with slower internet connections.

In September, the company announced that in total, there were 1 billion videos per day on the social web. However, a Facebook video view may not mean the same as a YouTube video, because Facebook videos play in your feed whether you click on them or not. Facebook’s initial revenue-sharing program sounds less generous than YouTube, as it will run a single ad next to multiple videos and divide revenue from the creators.

Facebook has created a hub for all video content uploaded to its network. Facebook’s audience continues to grow, and the Facebook Ad platform is amazing and unlike any other kind of digital advertising. Video blogs, gaming channels, failure compilations and video clips are among the most popular types of video genres on the platform and all have a generally younger fan base.

And now, as brands rely on video content more than ever before, it is crucial that you use the appropriate social media video specification and advertising video formats. Facebook videos are consumed at a higher rate every year, so it’s no surprise that so many marketing specialists are looking for the right Facebook video specifications.

Facebook has pushed its video platform a lot in the past year; they’ve implemented a new video player and changed the algorithm for videos to be displayed much higher on the news feed .

Although LinkedIn is still in the early stages of the adoption of video content, their network is still a good source of information for sharing. While there are options for sharing YouTube links in shared messages and on LinkedIn Pulse articles, there is still only one way to upload your own video.
However, for marketers who are looking for video advertising, Pinterest offers two formats for a single type of video ad .

However, with all the advances that Facebook have made, security has become an increasing worry. Facebook users have been warned of a new scam that sees messages from friends’ accounts sending the user to a fake YouTube video page full of malware.

Facebook will continue to advance; whether it’s in the social, advertising or video sphere of technology. However, the introduction of Facebook Video and development in advertising will give the big competitors such as YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat something to think about. Whether all of YouTube’s well-established audience will transfer over to Facebook Video is whole other matter, but Facebook are definitely branching out – could we have a single social media platform in the future?

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.