A code-less future for web development? - Dispatch Weekly

January 23, 2018 - Reading time: 4 minutes

Web development from A to Z without coding.

Can you imagine developing a web app or a mobile app without using the coding process once? That’s what Zeroqode and Bubble offer you and it is one of the easiest ways to develop your project when you are not a developer.
This company is a platform that mixes app builders, app templates, courses, development services plugins and more… This ensures you an increased speed and a decreasing cost of development up to 10 times. “The goal is to make Zeroqode for complex web apps what WordPress has become for simpler websites”, says Levon Terteryan (co-founder of the business).

The Genesis

Zeroqode was created by Levon Terteryan and Vlad Larin. The story started in September 2015, when Levon, has stumbled upon Bubble visual programming platform on ProductHunt. This concept captured his attention; he developed an app by himself with absolutely no coding skills within the 7 days that followed. Few weeks after this, Vlad, the second co-founder joined Levon.

The business didn’t stop to grow ever since and it is now a team of 17 people. Zeroqode employs more than 10 no code developers which in traditional development capacity would compare to around 50 developers.

No code versus traditional development

Zeroqode claims to be different from traditional development, and when we asked them why: they responded: “Only one person of their team can do everything – UI/UX design + workflows + database configuration + debugging etc.” This is the key of their efficiency.

One of their other strengths is a lot of app templates available on their websites. They use models like Instagram, Airbnb or LinkedIn to help users launch any product that works like the big start-ups and businesses. With those templates, users can easily add their own features and create a unique product.

The final difference that we already evoked is the price. Their template prices are in the range of $29-377 which is just a fraction of what coded templates usually costs (in a lot of cases they start at $5000-7000).

All thanks to Bubble


Zeroqode uses Bubblewits which is the main codeless platform. This “no-code” concept works by an intuitive system of drag and drop which allows you to create without limits (find more here). Created in 2016, the platform permitted to build more than 127 000 software and last month it totalizes no more than 9,464,211 page views.

These new tools could totally change the future of web development if they continue to grow…

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.