A closer look at Shadow, a French futurist computer - Dispatch Weekly

March 9, 2018 - Reading time: 4 minutes

Shadow, the computer of the future Shadow is a product of a French company named Blade. Blade has a goal since it has been created in 2015: to build the computer of the future.

Shadow is a computer based in the cloud, which means that you get rid of the central unit and all the cables.

When you connect your screen to the device, the interface is pretty similar to any other computers. But the trick is that everything is processed by distance thanks to Blade’s servers. The picture you see on the screen is sent to those servers via streaming video.


A computer available on almost every screen

The relevant point with “Cloud computer” is that you can use it on various types of screens. Indeed, you can use a traditional computer. The monitor will only serve you to display the streaming video.

The new features brought by this new type of computer is the fact that you can reach your laptop through your phone. You just have to download the Android or iOS app on your smartphone and you are good to go! With this new feature, Shadow allows you to use your computer almost everywhere (if you have a decent internet connection). The other possibility with this smartphone app is that you can connect a controller to your phone and then play your favorite games (on the website you can see someone playing Fortnite on his iPhone).


Great performance

The disappearance of the central unit doesn’t mean that the performance is gone too. Indeed, the Shadow computer equals more or less to a top of the line computer which cost £1300. With Shadow you will have:

  • An Intel processor equivalent to a Core i7
  • A graphics card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
  • An SSD 256 Go Hard drive
  • A Windows 10 license
  • A 1Gb/s internet connection

Blade also said that the components of the computer would be replaced to keep the best performances for their users, without the need for them to pay more money. The price of this computer works by a subscription process. €30 for a one year membership, €35 for one quarter and €45 without membership.

The tests are pretty good, and the Shadow computer works perfectly and in it’s best conditions when you plug it into your internet box. The big question raised by this new project is the future of computer; Are we slowly going into a central unit-less world and will it also increase the change in our modern way of living (learn more about this on another article here).

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.