5 Retailer Tips to Improve In-store Shopping Experience - Dispatch Weekly

December 22, 2016 - Reading time: 7 minutes

With the online shopping boom continuing to increase, it’s more important than ever for retailers to make their consumers experience worthwhile in order to gain that much needed in-store revenue. With online sales soaring, it’s vital for businesses to equip themselves with the necessary components in knowing how to improve in-store shopping satisfaction and experience, making their in-store customer encounter just as attractive and efficient as online – if not more.

#1 Omni-channel Customer Engagement

Omni-channel in retail and refers to online and in-store customer experience. It uses a multi-channel sales approach that coincides digital, brick and mortar shopping.

Using social media, mobile marketing, email marketing and an e-commerce website where you can buy products, integrates well with in-store shopping

Invesp also documents that 71 percent of digital shoppers who use smartphones for research say their device has become more important to their in-store experience.

Shoppers who purchase from a business both in-store and online have a 30 percent higher lifetime value than those who shop using only one channel.

#2 Self-Service Solutions

Photo Credit: YOSHIKAZU TSUNO / AFP - Getty Images file
Photo Credit: YOSHIKAZU TSUNO / AFP – Getty Images file

Waiting is a bore, with some shoppers leaving the store if queues are too long, reducing conversions. Self-service kiosks are an antidote, improving queue or waiting time.

Digital devices, iPads, videos and interactive tools can help engage customers with products and brands. For example, Japanese beauty brand Shiseido has made cosmetic mirrors available in Japan, allowing customers to try on make-up, receiving advice and product shopping lists.

This helps shoppers receive immediate advice and assistance, rather than waiting for a retail assistant, streamlining the service.

#3 Personalized Shopping Experience

In order to appeal to customers, whether it be sending personalised content, discounts to shopper’s phones or even personalising the physical in-store shopping experience, has an impact on increased engagement and encourages a sale.

In-store shopping ensures staff can ask customers questions like, “is there anything else I can help you with?” Making sure that the shoppers’ needs are met results in a more efficient shopping experience.

There is nothing worse than a customer trying to find a retail assistant for help. Staff must always be approachable and friendly to encourage return shopping experiences.

Queuing to check out is also a place where digital surveys and feed back can be obtained. If incentives are introduced, such as a prize and the survey is short, interactive and fun, this will improve the chances of people participating & keeping them entertained.

#4 Sensational Service

Photo Credit: blog.shi.com
Photo Credit: blog.shi.com

A customer has often researched the product before coming to the store. If the sales assistant lacks knowledge, this sets a bad impression and leads to a loss in conversion.

Access to information should be at every sales assistant’s fingertips. After all, if information about certain products is lacking, customers will more likely be driven to shop online.

A way to integrate online and offline shopping experiences is to promote the online website by allowing them to browse online catalogs in-store in the brick and mortar stores and vice versa.

You can do this by displays, putting information in the queues and tills and also informing the sales assistants.

#5 Appeal to the Senses and Social Media

Why should a customer shop in a real store when price comparison, cheaper deals and more information is available at home? Brands need to offer excellent customer service, but more than this, the store has to offer something special that cannot be found online.

Engaged staff, interactive tools, store design and atmosphere all help to improve the shopping experience. The business and brand have to align, appealing to a certain audience through music, lifestyle and social media presence.

Research has shown the type of background music you play affects how much people spend. Therefore, the more the elements supporting one another, the clearer the brand and messaging.

According to brandwatch.com, there are 2.3 billion active social media users, and 91 percent of retail brands use 2 or more social media channels.

Brands must integrate social media and online customer service in order to engage and connect with customers.

Find out how we can help your shoppers to make more informed and confident purchase decisions in-store or online by here.

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.