5 Reasons Why Google Could be fined by EU for Android Antitrust Violations - Dispatch Weekly

October 2, 2016 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Google could be fined by the EU for ongoing android antitrust violations, demanding Alphabet’s Google to stop offering financial incentives to smartphone makers to pre-install Google Search.

#1 Using Dominant Android Mobile Operating Systems

The EU’s 150-word page document was sent to complainants last week. The EU sent a copy to Google in April in which it accused the company of using an Android mobile operating system to block off competitors.

#2 Google Offers Discounts to Mobile Phone Manufacturers

The EU competition enforcer said it planned to tell Google to stop payments or discounts to mobile phone manufacturers in return for pre-installing Google’s play Store with Google Search.

They want the US technology giant to stop offering smartphone makers to pre-install propriety apps because it restricts downloading other operating systems on Android phones.

#3 The Complaint was Initiated by FairSearch

FairSearch, a lobby group supported by companies initiated the Commission’s investigation in March 2013, hoping to ensure that other companies were not disadvantaged be search engine market dominance.

#4 A Large Fine to Ensure Deterrence

The Commission said that is “intends to set the fine at a level which will be sufficient to ensure deterrence.”

This could see Google facing a large fine due to anti-competitive practices which began in 201 1 and continue.

The fine could be based on revenue from AdWords clicks by EU users, Google Search product queries, Play Store apps and AdMob’s advertisments.

#5 An Android Model that is Good for Competition and Consumers

Google said, “We look forward to showing the European Commission that we’ve designed the Androids model in a way that’s good for both competition and consumers, and supports innovation across the region.”

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David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.