The Hidden Perils of Rent-to-Rent Schemes: Companies and Court Cases Exposed

January 26, 2024 - Reading time: 5 minutes

The UK property market has witnessed the rapid proliferation of rent-to-rent schemes, a concept pitched as a win-win for landlords and tenants alike.

However, beneath the surface of this appealing strategy lies a minefield of legal, ethical, and financial pitfalls, as evidenced by the practices of several companies and the ensuing court cases.

Rent-to-Rent: A Closer Look at Companies Involved

  1. The Property Company: Offers landlords 3-5 year guaranteed rental contracts, positioning themselves as a tenant and promising to treat properties as their own. However, the assurance of guaranteed rent often comes with strings attached.

  2. AMS Housing Group: Promotes rent-to-rent by assuring landlords a fixed guaranteed rent. Yet, their operations have raised questions about adherence to housing regulations and tenant rights.

  3. The Rent Guarantee Company (TRGC): Pledges to eliminate rent arrears and eviction hassles for landlords. Despite their promises, there have been cases where TRGC failed to live up to its commitments, leaving landlords in difficult situations.

  4. Kurtis Property: Another player in the market offering a guaranteed rent scheme. While they pledge no hidden extras and cover repairs, scrutiny is required to ensure landlords are not short-changed.

  5. ZFA Group: Provides guaranteed rent services in London, but the quality of their management and compliance with housing standards remains a subject of debate.

  6. Northwood: Known for their guaranteed rent service, yet some landlords have reported issues with the management and condition of their properties under Northwood's scheme.

Court Rulings and Regulatory Challenges

The legal landscape surrounding rent-to-rent schemes is evolving, with landmark cases like Rakusen v Jepsen shaping the narrative. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that tenants could only claim rent repayment orders against their immediate landlords, not the superior landlord. This ruling has left many tenants without a remedy when faced with rogue rent-to-rent operators who often use shell companies with minimal assets.

The Lure of 'Get Rich Quick' Training Programs

Adding fuel to the fire, the proliferation of expensive property training courses promising quick riches has led to a surge in naïve investors. These novices, often inspired by the promise of financial freedom, find themselves mired in financial woes, unable to fill properties or meet rent guarantees. The real winners appear to be the trainers or 'property gurus' who collect hefty fees for their courses.

How to get a RENT TO RENT DEAL (HMO'S)

Set Up a Rent-to-Rent Business in 24 Hours

How To Get Rent-To-Rent Properties From Landlords?

Rent-to-rent schemes are often aggressively marketed by 'property gurus' promising financial freedom through training programs that cost thousands. Naïve investors, lured by these promises, find themselves trapped in unprofitable agreements, struggling to fill properties, and failing to meet rent guarantees.

Moreover, these arrangements have led to severe overcrowding, substandard living conditions, and numerous HMO regulation violations. Landlords, often unaware, find themselves legally responsible for properties unknowingly operating as unlicensed HMOs, facing hefty fines and legal action.

The Call for Regulation and Caution

The Renters Reform Bill presents an opportunity to address these issues. Tenant charities and property experts are advocating for reforms to protect both tenants and property owners from the risks associated with rent-to-rent schemes.

The rent-to-rent model, while not inherently flawed, has been exploited by unscrupulous operators, leaving a trail of financial distress and legal complications. Both property owners and potential investors should exercise extreme caution, conduct thorough due diligence, and stay informed about the evolving legal framework governing these arrangements.

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.