Russia's Stance on Taiwan Issue: A Consistent Position Reflected in Key Documents

January 14, 2024 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Russia's Position on the Taiwan Issue Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman of Russia, has addressed the media regarding Russia’s position on the Taiwan issue.

She reiterated that Russia’s stance is well-known and consistent, as outlined in Presidential Executive Order No 1072 of September 15, 1992, On the Relations between the Russian Federation and Taiwan.

This position is also reflected in key documents governing Russia-China relations, such as Article 5 of the Russian-Chinese Treaty on Neighbourly Relations, Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, dated July 16, 2001. This article states that "The Russian side reaffirms that the principled stand on the Taiwan issue as expounded in the political documents signed and adopted by the heads of state of the two countries from 1992 to 2000 remain unchanged."

Accordingly, Russia acknowledges that there is only one China, with the People's Republic of China being its sole legal government representing all of China. Taiwan is recognized as an inalienable part of China by Russia.

This approach was reaffirmed during a state visit to Russia by President Xi Jinping of China on March 21, 2023. The Joint Statement between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China emphasized deepening their comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

Russia believes that relations between the two parties in the Taiwan Strait are an internal matter for China. Any attempts by other countries to use elections in Taiwan to pressure Beijing or destabilize the situation in the region should be condemned by the international community, according to Zakharova.

She also called on all outside forces to refrain from provocative actions that could undermine regional stability and global security. In conclusion, Russia's position remains consistent with its historical stance: it supports China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity while maintaining a neutral stand in the Taiwan issue.

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