More United Look at Crowdfunding To Strengthen British Politics - Dispatch Weekly

July 26, 2016 - Reading time: 5 minutes, a new tech-driven political movement has called plans to alter the British political system through crowdfunding, raising money for MPs across all parties.

Why More United?

Although More United claim that they are not a political party and will not put candidates forward in future elections, they do promise to act as the voice of those millions of tolerant, open-minded people living in the UK who feel that their voices have been lost through the political system over the years.

Paddy Ashdown, former Leader of the Liberal Democrats said:

“Britain is at its heart a progressive country, but extreme and intolerant views dominate our politics more and more. Our aim is to help get more progressive politicians, from any party or none, elected to Parliament so that we can help to shift the balance in Parliament away from extremism,”

According to their official press release, “More will not stand in elections, but instead use crowdfunding to raise money to directly support any candidate, from any party or none, who subscribes to its progressive principles, which include supporting a green economy, closing the gap between rich and poor, valuing diversity, supporting the closest possible relationship with the EU and making the positive case for immigration.”

As long as members from all parties formally abide by and support More United’s principles, they will initiate change by offering financial and human resources to candidates.

Five Fundamental Principles

More United stands by five fundamental beliefs; aiming to work towards unity and hope whilst rejecting hatred, extremism and division. This vision looks to utilise the power of the internet to change the way British politics is funded and has generated inspiration from the words of the late Jo Cox MP.


The five More United principles as stated on their website are as followed:

– A fair, modern, efficient market-based economy that closes the gap between rich and poor and supports strong public services

– A modern democracy that empowers citizens, rather than politicians

– A green economy that protects the environment and works to reverse climate change

– An open and tolerant society where diversity is celebrated in all its forms

– A United Kingdom that welcomes immigration, international co-operation and a close relationship with the EU

Members who have already backed are thrilled at the prospect of change within the current state of British politics through the force of the internet and technology.

Writer and campaigner, Caroline Criado-Perez, said, “I’m really excited about being part of a movement that is putting the democratising force of technology at its heart. This is a thoroughly modern and progressive approach to politics and I feel confident that we’re going to be able to produce something entirely new. In the EU referendum the people voted for change: let’s give them what they asked for.”

Prolific Figures Supporting Campaign

More United encourages people to join their crowdfunding campaign and express support, with any UK voter or UK based organisation able to join More

If enough sufficient support is generated, September will see the start of the process kick-off in hope of making a difference and altering the course of UK politics. A number of well-known figures within the tech community have already backed More United, including TechCrunch editor Mike Butcher and founder Martha Lane-Fox.

“More United is a bold attempt to create a new centre of gravity in politics using the modern tools of today,” Lane-Fox said.

Within just hours of launching, 5,000 people had already pledged their support to More United’s political movement.

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.