Lufthansa Passenger Dies After Tragic Mid-Flight Blood Eruption Incident

February 11, 2024 - Reading time: 2 minutes

A passenger tragically lost his life during a long-haul flight after blood suddenly erupted out of his mouth and nose, splattering all over the walls of the plane.

The 63-year-old German man was traveling from Thailand to his home country when this horrifying incident occurred on Thursday. Witnesses reported that he appeared unwell before boarding the flight from Bangkok, suffering from cold sweats and breathing difficulties.

The gentleman's condition seemed to worsen after staff attempted to soothe him with some chamomile tea. Martin Missfelder, who witnessed the tragedy unfold, described it as "absolute horror" as passengers screamed in shock when blood poured out of his mouth and nose. The flight was forced to return to Thailand following this traumatic incident.

The man's wife claimed that his symptoms were due to them having to rush to catch the flight; however, Karin Missfelder, Martin’s wife and a nursing specialist at University Hospital in Zurich, knew his condition was more serious. She later told staff that a doctor would be needed to offer him an assessment – with a young Polish volunteer offering medical assistance on board.

As cabin crew attempted to make the passenger comfortable, his symptoms suddenly worsened, causing liters of blood to erupt from his body. Despite attempts at CPR for around 30 minutes after the incident, he tragically passed away. The captain then announced this devastating news and took the man's body to the galley of the plane.

A Lufthansa spokesperson expressed their condolences, stating: “Although immediate and comprehensive first aid measures were taken by the crew and a doctor on board, the passenger died during the flight. Our thoughts are with the relatives of the deceased passenger. We also regret the inconvenience caused to the passengers of this flight.”

Karin Missfelder later expressed her regrets for not providing more assistance to the man but questioned why the flight took off in the first place, given his apparent poor health condition before boarding.

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