Comedian John Oliver Offers $1 Million Annually to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas if He Resigns

February 20, 2024 - Reading time: 2 minutes

The late-night talk show host, John Oliver, has made an offer of $1 million annually and a $2 million tour bus to Clarence Thomas if he resigns from the US supreme court.

This proposal was made on Sunday's episode of his HBO show Last Week Tonight. The comedian gave Thomas 30 days to accept or reject this offer, which would expire after that time frame.

This proposition came about due to recent investigations revealing that Clarence Thomas failed to disclose several instances where political benefactors provided him with lavish vacations and real estate for his mother. Additionally, he did not report having school fees paid off for a family member or the loan taken out to purchase a luxury motor coach.

These revelations have raised questions about Thomas's impartiality in light of his involvement in several controversial cases, including the elimination of federal abortion rights and hearing arguments regarding Donald Trump's potential removal from states’ ballots after January 6th.

John Oliver humorously suggested that Clarence Thomas could take advantage of this offer to step down from the supreme court and enjoy a more leisurely lifestyle away from Washington, D.C., surrounded by regular folks whose lives he has negatively impacted for decades. The host jokingly proposed that Thomas could upgrade his "favorite mode of travel" with a contract requiring him to leave the supreme court in exchange for $1 million annually and a tour bus equipped with luxurious amenities such as a king-sized bed, fireplace, and four televisions.

The annual salary for supreme court justices is currently set at $298,500; however, Oliver's offer would significantly increase Thomas's income while providing him the opportunity to enjoy his retirement in comfort. The comedian acknowledged that he may need to embark on "stand-up tours … for years" to be able to afford paying Thomas's retirement if the justice accepts this proposal.

At present, neither Clarence Thomas nor the supreme court has publicly commented on John Oliver's offer.

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.