Causecast Convenes And Supports Corporate Social Impact Leaders At The Causecast +IMPACT East Conference And With Their New Impact AI Platform - Dispatch Weekly

July 26, 2017 - Reading time: 8 minutes

Causecast offers a fresh approach for companies looking to make a social impact and engage employees through their innovative giving and volunteering technology solutions. Their Impact AI-driven platform provides a plenhora of options for CSR managers to promote engagement within the company. To find out more about their platform we sat down with Ryan Scott, Founder and CEO of Causecast:


Q: How would you describe Causecast in your own words?

A: Causecast powers high-impact employee giving and volunteering programs for innovative growth companies. Our cutting-edge community impact platform, deep industry knowledge and hands-on concierge service deliver unprecedented levels of employee engagement and social impact.

Our clients include major companies across multiple industries – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Marketo, Optimizely, Bozzuto, GoDaddy, Dish Networks, and many others.

Q: Who are the primary clients of Causecast and what are some of the key challenges you are helping them solve?

A: We work with companies large and small who want to better engage their employees through being engaged corporate citizens. Our clients use Causecast to run giving and volunteering programs that scale.

According to recent industry research, giving and volunteering teams are expanding and they are becoming increasingly important: CECP found that 29% of teams report closer alignment with the CEO’s office and 56% of companies say their corporate citizenship department provided environmental, social, and governance information to a particular investor or investor relations team.

Essentially, integrating social impact into your business is no longer optional. Leading companies are creating innovative programs that tie into core metrics, especially in HR and marketing.

You can’t run a Day of Service with 10,000 people on spreadsheets, and it can be daunting to contact nonprofits directly about whether they have volunteering opportunities or not. We also make it easy to give to charitable causes that employees and companies care about, including payroll deductions, matching programs and fundraisers or crowdfunding campaigns. Our clients’ employees can easily sign up for volunteering opportunities with vetted nonprofits, and they can “check in” to log their volunteer hours on their mobile phones at the event. Causecast provides a complete solution for both giving and volunteering – not just one piece.

Our new product, Impact AI, helps save HR and CSR managers a ton of time with advanced reporting, predictive analytics, and benchmarking tools. You can sign up for more info on our beta release or watch a webinar recording about how you can save up to a week per month on running a corporate social impact program.

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Q: TED Speaker Dan Pallotta will be presenting at the Causecast +IMPACT East Conference; tell us something more?

A: Dan Pallotta, TED speaker, author and Chief Humanity Officer of Advertising for Humanity, will be a closing keynote speaker at the second annual +IMPACT East Conference, to be held May 15-16 in Washington, D.C. He will address themes from his book Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential.

Pallotta invented the multi-day charitable event industry. He created the Breast Cancer 3-Day walks and the multi-day AIDS Rides, which raised in excess of half a billion dollars in nine years and were the subject of one of the first Harvard Business School case studies on social enterprise. The model and methods he created are now employed by dozens of charities, and have raised in excess of $1.5 billion more for important causes from pediatric leukemia to AIDS to suicide prevention and many others. Pallotta’s iconic TED 2013 Talk has been viewed more than 4 million times, making it one of the 100 most-viewed TED Talks of all time.

In addition to Pallotta, changemakers from Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and mission-driven businesses will be attending. Other conference speakers include leaders from Bozzuto, Kiva, HP, Marsh and America’s Charities.

This year’s theme is “Innovating in Times of Change,” which encourages leaders from all sectors to take a fresh approach to making social impact. Speakers will share their experience and expertise on a range of topics, including trends in CSR, best practices in community engagement, insights on Millennial and Gen Z engagement, and more.

Registration is now open for +IMPACT East. Thanks to the support of the Venue Sponsor, The Bozzuto Group, the conference will take place in Monroe Street Market’s iconic community hub: Edgewood Arts Center. Regular tickets are available at $395 per person until May 1, and late registration sales at $695 per ticket end on May 16, 2017. To register or learn more, visit the +IMPACT East conference website here.

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Q: Can you give us more insights into your solutions?

A: We have two main products. Our main platform is the Causecast Community Impact Platform, with:

  • Complete corporate philanthropy and employee volunteering platform
  • Easy volunteering with mobile & desktop options, event check-in, automatic logging and group and individual volunteer options
  • Optional social media sharing
  • Streamlined giving with credit card processing, payroll deductions, offline giving
  • Reporting with real-time, at-a-glance stats and dashboards you can customize
  • Custom branding (white label)

Our Impact AI platform provides all the features of the Community Impact platform, plus:

  • Easily see outcomes and impact
  • Easy suggestions help increase participation by as much as 25%
  • Spend up to 30% less time on reporting
  • Save $70K per year (the cost to hire a part-time analyst) with a virtual data partner
  • No effort wasted on the wrong things: you can take data-driven action

We also provide services to help companies customize their programs to suit their needs and make the most out of our platforms.

Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: In the near future, we’re running the +IMPACT East conference!

In general, we’re always interested in talking with CSR innovators, HR managers and others to interview for blogs and case studies about how you’re making an impact and enabling business results through social impact programs. Contact us if you’d like to have a conversation or get featured.

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.