7 Facts About: Jenna Marbles at YouTube Space London - Dispatch Weekly

August 16, 2016 - Reading time: 7 minutes

Internet sensation, Jenna Marbles @Jenna_Marbles, 29 was interviewed by Sprinkles of Glitter in an exclusive question and answer session on 15 August at YouTube Space London, Kings Cross.

Jenna Marbles has a list of impressive facts to her name. These include: having over one billion visits on YouTube, over 16 million subscribers to her YouTube channel and achieving star status, becoming reincarnated into a wax figure at Madame Tussauds, New York.

Traditional media is taking note of the digital changes as Disney has bought Maker Studios, a large YouTube multimedia network in an estimated $950 million deal.

Whilst she is comfortable to share every detail of her life online, the audience at YouTube space, London got a chance to meet a more laid back Jenna Marbles, with her boyfriend Julien Solomita (@TheFightingSolo), 24, sitting on the sidelines.

  1. Despite Massive Success, Jenna Marbles Still Has Blue Days

When asked about criticism she said, “I am aware of what people say and what people think, but to ruminate on it you need to sign off the Internet, rummage into a hole and stay there forever.”

She said that she dealt with online attacks by, “shutting your laptop and then saying, ‘I’m gonna get an ice-cream today.’”

  1. Jenna’s Mom, Deborah Mourey Is her Role Model

Jenna Marbles joked that her mom, Deborah Mourey was like herself: “she’s like me on steroids, she gives so little f***s.”

She added that, “it’s inspiring to have an attainable role model because she’s how I want to be when I grow up.”

In previous interviews she has said that her mom is a fan of her videos although Jenna was nervous to show her mom at first.

  1. She Would Like To Be Zoella Or CutiepieMarzia

If she could be another YouTuber she would be British lifestyle and beauty vlogger, Zoella (@Zoella) or CutiepieMarzia (@CutiepieMarzia, girlfriend of (@PewDiePie) because she’s “adorable.”

Jenna Marbles admitted, “she (@CutiepieMarzia) gets dressed everyday, I don’t get dressed. That’s the one thing about London; all you guys wear clothes. I just wear glorified sweatpants.”

The clear difference between the vloggers is that Jenna does not like tidying, “you can see everything in my house,” as “sometimes I’ll move something some of the time but that’s a little ratchet. I hate doing that. I just want to get paid.”

  1. Jenna Marbles Has Stopped Playing Pokémon Go

Despite being a fan, she has stopped playing Pokémon Go, “because they don’t cater to the casual player,” although she added, “I’ve already caught most of them.”

Instead she said that in her spare time she likes “to do as nothing as possible, just sit around, play things on my phone.”

Apparently there is not much time to relax since she is kept busy with her podcast, radio show and a live stream on Twitch, a social video platform and community for gamers.

YouTube Space, London, Kings Cross
  1. Vegan Hippo Is Her Favorite Restaurant In London

Jenna Marbles’ favorite snack are “vegan cheeses” so it’s only right that her favourite restaurant is vegan.

Jenna said that she enjoyed watching animals on the Internet but noticed, “there’s a lot of mean spirited stuff on the internet.”

“I’ve been on YouTube for a while now and it’s not the YouTube that I started to hang out on and it’ kind of exhausting but I like silly stuff. I’d like to see more happy stuff.”

  1. Snapchat Is Her Favourite Social Media Channel

When asked what social media channel she was most excited about in the last five years she answered that she was excited that Snapchat exists.

“That’s the coolest thing about social media, that people are so curious about other people.”

  1. YouTube Making Is An Actual Job

The hardest challenge for Jenna was convincing friends and family that YouTube was a legitimate job:

“I had a very serious path in life and a lot of people started to see what I was doing as a bizarre intenet thing, it wasn’t a feasible career path.”

“It took my friend some time to understand that I have an actual job.”

“Some people think that being an Internet celebrity is stupid and easy but actually it’s really hard.”

She said that, “being your own boss and working for yourself,” was “stressful” but also “amazing.”

About YouTube Space, London:

  • Based in Kings Cross, YouTube Space has a Space cafe, open Monday-Saturday from 10am to 9pm, where  you can collaborate and talk to YouTube creators.
  • Most events bring creatives and audiences together to discuss YouTube making. Grab a coffee and start the creative juices going.
  • Check the events calendar to see what’s on.

DW Staff

David Lintott is the Editor-in-Chief, leading our team of talented freelance journalists. He specializes in covering culture, sport, and society. Originally from the decaying seaside town of Eastbourne, he attributes his insightful world-weariness to his roots in this unique setting.