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Would you buy Snapchat spectacles at this vending machine?

Snaphat has introduced custom vending machines called Snapbots, where you will be able to buy a pair of Spectacles for $129, with one already landing in Los Angeles, close to Snapchat’s headquarters.

What do we Know About Snapbots?

Snapbots will not stay long in one place, meaning they will move around. This puts pressure on the consumer to be in the know and snap up a pair of Spectacles quickly before the vending machine disappears.

The Snapbots will journey across America one place at a time. It is expected that locations will be main cities like New York, giving the vending machines maximum exposure.

The itinerary is unknown although Snapchat said that you can expect vending machines to pop in “places where you’re excited to make memories.”

You can visit the Spectacles Twitter page to keep clued in to any new information about future locations.

Use a Map or App to Keep Track of the Snapbots

Photo Credit: Snapchat
Photo Credit: Snapchat

You can keep track of the Snapbots by locating them on this map. Snap will then publish the location 24 hours prior to its ‘landing’ in the specific location.

You can also use the Spectacles Geofilter to check if a Bot is in a nearby area. Make sure your geofilters is on to access location.

Special Functions to Help You Virtually Try on Spectacles

Buying a pair of spectacles is a tricky choice, therefore the vending machines come equipped with a bot where you can try on glasses virtually, choosing between coral, teal and black.

Fascinating Facts about Snapchat’s Spectacles

Photo Credit: Snapchat
Photo Credit: Snapchat

Snapchat claimed:

“We’ve created one of the smallest wireless video cameras in the world,” adding, they are “capable of taking a day’s worth of Snaps on a single charge, and we integrated it seamlessly into a fun pair of sunglasses.”

In 2014, Snapchat bought Vergence Labs, a startup that makes Google Glass-like eyewear, a recording video device.

In 2015, Snapchat began building Snapchat Research, specializing in computer vision and machine learning with a team of scientists and software engineers.

According to the company, on any given day, Snapchat reaches 41 percent of all 18-to-34-year-olds in the US.

Would you buy a pair of spectacles at a vending machine or do you prefer brick-and-mortar shops?

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